Good morning! Big Utrish

Good morning! Big Utrish / The most dramatic situation for the reserve was established in the winter of 2009. On behalf of the Ministry of government, the construction of the road began felling trees, juniper, listed in the red book. And it is the oldest trees on the planet earth. The sanctuary is home to tens of mammals listed in the red book. There are 75 species of herbaceous plants, 107 species of trees and shrubs. About 60 species listed in the Red book. When constructing the road was cut down a large number of trees listed in the Red data book of Russia were largely violated natural landscapes.2008 was organized by the radical act of civil resistance (Live Utrish) and (Help Utrish). The construction was halted. But this year in January 2014 I learn new information in the documents. After the end of the winter Olympic games in Sochi will be resumed construction in accordance with the decree of the government! When I traveled and came to Daria in the camp, she suggested to drink tea. You had to make a fire. And here at the fire, I saw on a branch of this remarkable and bright blonde girl! I immediately grabbed the camera and took this picture in joy and smiles acquired happiness. When Daria easily within minutes fanning the embers, and invited me to his wonderful camp. I did all 12 frames. I see this very Sunny and friendly. We drank tea and talked about the goodness and happiness. About the past, present and future. Unhappy or happy person makes only his thoughts, not external circumstances. By controlling our thoughts, he manages his happiness. So, just me this precious little girl with blond curls and gave happiness, sitting on a branch of juniper. Thank you!
The most dramatic situation for the reserve was established in the winter of 2009. On behalf of the Ministry of government, the construction of the road began felling trees, juniper, listed in the red book. And it is the oldest trees on the planet earth. The sanctuary is home to tens of mammals listed in the red book. There are 75 species of herbaceous plants, 107 species of trees and shrubs. About 60 species listed in the Red book. When constructing the road was cut down a large number of trees listed in the Red data book of Russia were largely violated natural landscapes.2008 was organized by the radical act of civil resistance (Live Utrish) and (Help Utrish). The construction was halted. But this year in January 2014 I learn new information in the documents. After the end of the winter Olympic games in Sochi will be resumed construction in accordance with the decree of the government! When I traveled and came to Daria in the camp, she suggested to drink tea. You had to make a fire. And here at the fire, I saw on a branch of this remarkable and bright blonde girl! I immediately grabbed the camera and took this picture in joy and smiles acquired happiness. When Daria easily within minutes fanning the embers, and invited me to his wonderful camp. I did all 12 frames. I see this very Sunny and friendly. We drank tea and talked about the goodness and happiness. About the past, present and future. Unhappy or happy person makes only his thoughts, not external circumstances. By controlling our thoughts, he manages his happiness. So, just me this precious little girl with blond curls and gave happiness, sitting on a branch of juniper. Thank you!
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Wisky 19.5816 февраля 2014 13:11
There are housewives, and there are wildwives... Супер

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