![Northern Rough-winged Swallow / Северная грубокрылая ласточка
Родовое название северной грубокрылой ласточки - Stelgidopteryx, что означает «крыло-скребок»; название вида, serripennis, означает «пилообразное перо».
The Northern Rough-winged Swallow gets its name from minuscule hooks on the leading edge of their primary feathers. Running a finger along the edge of the feather from base to the tip feels like touching a rough file.
The genus name of the Northern Rough-winged Swallow is Stelgidopteryx, which means "scraper wing"; the species name, serripennis, means "saw feather."
Swallows are good fliers and that goes double for the Northern Rough-winged Swallow, which unlike most birds also molts some of its feathers while flying. It takes them around 100 days to finish growing new feathers.
The oldest recorded Northern Rough-winged Swallow was a male, and at least 5 years, 11 months old when he was recaptured and rereleased in California.](https://photocentra.ru/images/council101/1016774_council.jpg)
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