Model: Anna Sofm

Model: Anna Sofm / Model: Anna Sofm

Photographer: Jerold Walter
Shooting equipment: Canon EOS M50
Lens: canon EOS ef 50 mm stm
Focal Length: 50 mm
Aperture: f/3.2
Shutter Speed: 1/500 s
ISO: 100
Date Taken: Jul 18, 2017
Date Upload: Jul 18, 2017
©Copyright: Jerold Walter

•Contact For Photographer

* All acts of copying and re-using my work without permission are strictly prohibited. 
*Not allowed to use the work for commercial purposes, sales, advertising, illegal money. This is a violation of the fairness of copyright. 
*It is not allowed to use the work for the purpose of making profits for individuals and organizations without permission. 
*Please respect copyrights and copyright owners. Your use of the work without the permission of the copyright owner, is against the law, it adversely affects the reputation of the copyright owner.
*Please use copyright wisely. 
*Thank you for reading.
Model: Anna Sofm

Photographer: Jerold Walter
Shooting equipment: Canon EOS M50
Lens: canon EOS ef 50 mm stm
Focal Length: 50 mm
Aperture: f/3.2
Shutter Speed: 1/500 s
ISO: 100
Date Taken: Jul 18, 2017
Date Upload: Jul 18, 2017
©Copyright: Jerold Walter

•Contact For Photographer

* All acts of copying and re-using my work without permission are strictly prohibited.
*Not allowed to use the work for commercial purposes, sales, advertising, illegal money. This is a violation of the fairness of copyright.
*It is not allowed to use the work for the purpose of making profits for individuals and organizations without permission.
*Please respect copyrights and copyright owners. Your use of the work without the permission of the copyright owner, is against the law, it adversely affects the reputation of the copyright owner.
*Please use copyright wisely.
*Thank you for reading.
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