Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sydney Harbour Bridge / The Harbour Bridge is as classic a symbol of Sydney as the shells of the Opera House itself.

Sydney Harbour Bridge, seen here at sunset, connects the Sydney central business district with the North Shore commercial and residential areas.

When completed, in 1932, the bridge Down Under was the widest bridge on the planet and the world's largest single-arch bridge; but was not the longest.

The single arch design was built from both ends (using cable supports) and joined in the middle.

Built to carry motor vehicles, trains, trams (until 1958), pedestrians and bicycles, the bridge's span of 1,650 feet allows unobstructed passage for ships in Sydney Harbour.
The Harbour Bridge is as classic a symbol of Sydney as the shells of the Opera House itself.

Sydney Harbour Bridge, seen here at sunset, connects the Sydney central business district with the North Shore commercial and residential areas.

When completed, in 1932, the bridge Down Under was the widest bridge on the planet and the world's largest single-arch bridge; but was not the longest.

The single arch design was built from both ends (using cable supports) and joined in the middle.

Built to carry motor vehicles, trains, trams (until 1958), pedestrians and bicycles, the bridge's span of 1,650 feet allows unobstructed passage for ships in Sydney Harbour.
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Ilona Belots 2011 Photo 42.1507 ноября 2024 13:14
Wow! I've never heard about this bridge before, thank you for giving some information!

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