I'm comin' home, Oh yeah, I'm comin' home

I'm comin' home, Oh yeah, I'm comin' home / Oh life on the outside ain't what it used to be
You know the world's gone crazy and it ain't safe on the street
Oh it's a drag I know, there's only one place to go
Baby back where I come from, I'm comin' home

Oh life on the inside ain't what it used to be
you know the kids gone crazy and they stick you for a slice of cheese
Oh it's a drag I know there's only one place to go
Baby back where I come from, I'm comin' home

Lights out baby and it looks like the end for me.
Last meals coming and it looks like chicken and rice and beans
Oh, well it's a drag I know, but everbody's gotta go
They're waiting for me down below, I'm coming home
Oh life on the outside ain't what it used to be
You know the world's gone crazy and it ain't safe on the street
Oh it's a drag I know, there's only one place to go
Baby back where I come from, I'm comin' home

Oh life on the inside ain't what it used to be
you know the kids gone crazy and they stick you for a slice of cheese
Oh it's a drag I know there's only one place to go
Baby back where I come from, I'm comin' home

Lights out baby and it looks like the end for me.
Last meals coming and it looks like chicken and rice and beans
Oh, well it's a drag I know, but everbody's gotta go
They're waiting for me down below, I'm coming home
481... 0...


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