A tea seller

A tea seller / The beauty of this place due to three colored natural lakes at the top of the volcano that have appeared since last eruption (1968). Their colors have changed several times and now you can find a black, blue and green colored lake.

So, on the photo you can see a seller of tea and coffee that helps every visitors to warm in the morning (sunrise is the best time to watch the lakes).

Calm and ordinariness that I have found in the eyes of this man in combination of grandiosity of this wonderful place inspired me more than enough.
Location: natural volcano Kelimutu (Indonesia, Flores island)
The beauty of this place due to three colored natural lakes at the top of the volcano that have appeared since last eruption (1968). Their colors have changed several times and now you can find a black, blue and green colored lake.

So, on the photo you can see a seller of tea and coffee that helps every visitors to warm in the morning (sunrise is the best time to watch the lakes).

Calm and ordinariness that I have found in the eyes of this man in combination of grandiosity of this wonderful place inspired me more than enough.
Location: natural volcano Kelimutu (Indonesia, Flores island)
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Павел Нагин 238.2906 июня 2014 15:37
Хочется ГРИП побольше.
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Anonym 0.0020 октября 2014 19:01
В след. пятницу (24/10/14) хотелось бы провести дружественно-творческий флэшмоб:

06.06.2014 15:20
Canon EOS 5D Mark II, 1/160 sec, F/1.8, 35mm, ISO 100, 13.02.2014, Lens: 35mm
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