![The Light At The End Of The World / …'Twas years ago, he remembers clear
the life they once did live.
Endless love and lust for life,
they promised each would give.
Alas, such love and laughter too,
was short as panting breath
For one dark night, her soul was kissed
by the shade of death.
- A deity felt sympathy
and threw our man a light
'Your woman you may see again,
for a single night. -
But think hard and well young man,
there is a price to pay:
to tend the light at the end of the world
till the very last of days.
- 'I'll tend the light, for one more night
with the woman whom I love',
screamed the man, with tearful eyes,
to the deity above.
And so it was that very night
his lover did return.
To his arms and to their bed,
together they did turn.
Fifty years have passed since then
and not a soul has he seen.
but his woman lives with him still
in every single dream.
'Tis sad to hear how young love has died
to know that, alone, someone has cried.
but memories are ours to keep.
To live them again, in our sleep.](https://photocentra.ru/images/council7/77623_council.jpg)
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