/ The cormorant is a bird species from the cormorant family. The distribution area of the species covers large parts of Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as Australia and New Zealand, Greenland and the east coast of North America. As with all representatives of the genus Phalacrocorax, the diet consists almost exclusively of fish. Cormorants are sociable in all seasons, the breeding colonies are located on coasts or larger waters. Population and distribution of the species were strongly influenced in Europe by massive human persecution, in the central European inland the species was at times almost extinct. In recent decades, there has been a marked recovery of the population. The cormorant was Bird of the Year 2010 in Germany and Austria.
Higher classification: Phalacrocorax
Scientific name: Phalacrocorax carbo
The cormorant is a bird species from the cormorant family. The distribution area of the species covers large parts of Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as Australia and New Zealand, Greenland and the east coast of North America. As with all representatives of the genus Phalacrocorax, the diet consists almost exclusively of fish. Cormorants are sociable in all seasons, the breeding colonies are located on coasts or larger waters. Population and distribution of the species were strongly influenced in Europe by massive human persecution, in the central European inland the species was at times almost extinct. In recent decades, there has been a marked recovery of the population. The cormorant was Bird of the Year 2010 in Germany and Austria.
Higher classification: Phalacrocorax
Scientific name: Phalacrocorax carbo
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