/ Jay
The jay is a songbird of the raven family. It is spread over Europe, parts of North Africa and the Middle East as well as in a wide belt through Asia and there southwards to Indochina. It breeds in light, structure-rich forests of all kinds, but in Central Europe it prefers mixed and deciduous forests. Its food spectrum is very diverse, with animal food predominant in the summer months and vegetable food in the winter months. Before winter, extensive stocks of acorns and other nut fruits are established.
The jay is a songbird of the raven family. It is spread over Europe, parts of North Africa and the Middle East as well as in a wide belt through Asia and there southwards to Indochina. It breeds in light, structure-rich forests of all kinds, but in Central Europe it prefers mixed and deciduous forests. Its food spectrum is very diverse, with animal food predominant in the summer months and vegetable food in the winter months. Before winter, extensive stocks of acorns and other nut fruits are established.
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Canon EOS 5D MK IV, Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 L IS
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Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, 1/160 sec, F/6.3, 400mm, ISO 1250, 26.11.2019, Lens: EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
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