/ the geese is a subfamily of the duck-birds in the biological systematics of the birds. The name goose for this bird-group is relatively old. Already in the Old High German as well as in the Middle High German, the term goose was used. Comparative analyses with other Indo-European languages suggest that both the German name gans and the Latin name anser, which is the generic name for the field geese today, derive from the sound of the hissing geese.
the geese is a subfamily of the duck-birds in the biological systematics of the birds. The name goose for this bird-group is relatively old. Already in the Old High German as well as in the Middle High German, the term goose was used. Comparative analyses with other Indo-European languages suggest that both the German name gans and the Latin name anser, which is the generic name for the field geese today, derive from the sound of the hissing geese.
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Alex-55-boy 1308.7130 августа 2020 21:19
Каждый по своему индивидуален!
Wonderful photo and description!
Klaus Nagel 62.9531 августа 2020 00:45
Alex_1955_boy, D A N K E !

Canon EOS 5D MK IV, Canon EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 L IS +Canon Extender EF 1.4x III
30.08.2020 10:36
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, 1/1250 sec, F/8.0, 560mm, ISO 125, 28.08.2020, Lens: EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM +1.4x III
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