Antonio A Plus Account
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Steve Schapiro - фотограф
Antonio A / Blog
Plus Account07.01.2013 07:29

Andy Warhol, Edie Sedgwick and Entourage, New York

Woody Allen

Truman Capote

Jack Nicholson with director Roman Polanski on the set of their 1974 movie Chinatown

Marcello Mastroianni, New York, 1962

David Bowie with Buster Keaton Book, Los Angeles, 1975

Marlon Brando, Makeup Session for The Godfather, New York, 1971

Dancers caught during a routine in colourful outfits

Robert De Niro during the filming of 1976 movie Taxi Driver

Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese

Amateur Hour, The Apollo Theater, Harlem, 1961

Robert De Niro during the filming of 1976 movie Taxi Driver

Robert Redford and Lauren Hutton on the set of 1970 movie Little Fauss And Big Halsy

Ike and Tina Turner pose before a painting of themselves at their home

French screen star Yves Montand is recognised as he reads Variety in Fifth Avenue, New York, in 1961

Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro on the set of Taxi Driver

Robert De Niro during the filming of 1976 movie Taxi Driver

Muhammad Ali with a Monopoly board

Barbara Streisand

Martin Scorsese with one of the guns used by Robert De Niro on the set of Taxi Driver

Robert F Kennedy wins over members of the public during his 1968 U.S. presidential campaign

Actress Mia Farrow holds a baby


Barbara Streisand

Truman Capote

Dustin Hoffman

Dublin hippies gather

Young beggar is ignored in Prague

Martin Luther King during his march from Selma, Alabam, to Montgomery in 1965 as part of the American civil rights movement

Muhammad Ali shows some boxing moves in a lounge

Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster, as the hooker Iris, leaning against a parked car on the set of Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver

Martin Luther King Jr.

Child wears a poster supporting Kennedy

Ray Charles, New Jersey, 1966

Marlon Brando

Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro

Jodie Foster and Connie Foster on the set of Taxi Driver

Marlon Brando in 'The Godfather', 1971

Buster Keaton

Blog / Antonio A
Plus Account07.01.2013 07:29


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