Inside Me...
Gold Child About project "Larry Flynt"
AstrahanskiyIvan / Blog
24.03.2012 15:33

Gold Child

About project "Larry Flynt"

This idea of ​​creating a global portal, under the leadership of one man, where everyone can find a corner to speak out, express themselves, find the right people for the most ambitious projects to be a star, make money, because nothing is impossible, and we are only at the source. In a year and a half, or no matter how much time, and we will take his place on the Internet Olympus.


On the first floor are directly workers, organizers, artists, programmers, photographers and all the talented creators of this site. They believe in a common cause and purpose to flock to live like ordinary people. Watering your geraniums, and get drunk on Fridays. Fight like a fish on the ice, looking for their failures, and shout for joy, so that the veins swelled on his neck ...

The second floor is occupied by our customers who can buy photographs, book ads, videos and more. They drive expensive foreign cars, looking for talent, new character types, their lit his Cuban cigar, and eagerly thumb through the eyes of the screen.

On the third floor of the living model. There's always noisy, lots of laughter, tinsel, confetti, sequins. They are waiting for the treasured compliments a new job and of course the prince on a white horse (700 horsepower). They are all different, with his mischievous cockroaches in my head, and often colored, floor models as basically fine.

Fourth floor - it's ordinary people who have come just for reference, or connoisseurs of the beautiful people seeking contact, craving new and interesting meetings. They are like the inhabitants of the first floor: Just pour and drink geraniums on the weekends, the only difference is that they themselves have not implemented so as pervoetazhniki.

And of course we have a roof. It is living music, dreams, violinists and romance.

And under the roof, in the penthouse, he lives, a generator of ideas, the one who brought all the talent under one roof, the basis and foundation of all.

And our house is embroidered with pearls, shining splendor, gold and diamonds.

!!!Regards Ivan Astrahanskiy!!!

P.S. I apologize for my English!)

Blog / AstrahanskiyIvan
24.03.2012 15:33


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